Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some kind of Crazy

I am one of those people that has a million thoughts that race through my head at any given moment. It wouldnt be so bad, but there is no organization. I have a heard time remembering things, especially at work or when I get bombarded with a ton of information at one time. I joke that i have ADD. I've never been diagnosed with it, but i wouldnt doubt that i have it. Anyways, I have to write everything down or i will forget stuff. This usually works, but sometimes i forget to write things down because Im already on to the next thing. this can be frustrating. Sometimes i have to literally force myself to slow down and be deliberate in my actions and my thoughts. it can be hard sometimes. I wonder if anyone else has this issue...I know at work, it seems like im racing around like a lab rat (both my body and my brain) and everyone else is in slow motion. I think that they think that i am some kind of crazy because if a coworking is explaining something to me, i'll have to ask her to repeat it because im thinking about how the sky is blue. Seriously...that's not right.

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