Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's been a couple of days. On saturday, the fiance's parents came down and they spent the night. The reason for why they came down was because they renewed their wedding vows. Aww...GAG! Anyways, they annoy me when they come down. His dad is loud and obnoxious and his mom is quiet, she's not so bad. Well, the night before me and my fiance went out to the bar with a couple of friends. Another one of my friends showed up after she got off work. I've known this girl since we were in kindergarten and during junior high and high school, her house was my second home. it seemed like i was there more than at my own house. Anywho, she is pretty self focused *she's always been like this* I've learned to deal with it, but for those who are new to her, she almost certainly turns them off. My other friend's boyfriend *who just met her that night* told my friend that he didnt want to go out with her ever again. Even my other friend has told me on occasion, that she's not going to go out if she is going to be there. It get's tough for me because i want everyone to get along and to have a good time. Since they don't, i rarely want to go out with anyone. Geeze, it's been a long two weeks at work. If i figured it out correctly, i'll have over 93 hours on my next paycheck.

If you must know today is my birthday. It kinda sucks. I'm 26 and im feeling sad about it. I'm lonely. I'm always by myself it seems. I'm tired. I think im having an early mid life crisis. im thinking about how it seems that my life is passing me by and i havent accomplished anything of importance. it really sucks. I just want to have company and a sense of accomplishment.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I came back for something...now what was it?

I got my kitty back. Well, he's not MY kitty. I'm fostering him. He had stopped eating for a few days (he's pretty skinny to begin with) and I took him to the Vet. He was there for about a week. The doc couldn't figure out what is wrong with him other than the fact that he is anorexic and one of his kidneys could (and probably is) failing. Well, i guess that Maximum decided that he likes the expensive canned cat food. He has developed a taste for Fancy Feast GOURMET with shrimp and tuna. Seriously, why cant he just be normal and eat regular cat food. Oh well, as long as he is eating i'll feed him what ever he wants.

Frustrations about people

Today was quite the day. It seemed like that i was doing a lot of the stuff today, ya know, by myself, as a certain someone was sitting at the front desk doing......NOTHING! It annoyed me, but i kept busy so i didnt really notice it. anyways, there was this lady and her husband died a couple of days ago. The lady determines that she cant take care of all of there farm dogs anymore, so she has 7 of the old ones put to sleep. Ok, yesterday, she brought all 7 of them to the shelter to be cremated. First of all she just wanted them all done together. Then she changed her mind. She wants them all done individually. This wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that i am already behind and all of these friggin dogs look the same. She gave descriptions of them, but they all look the same to me. Picture me cutting open garbage bags and then being bombarded with the putrid smell of rotting flesh, blood, and urine. I spent 25 minutes trying to figure out which dog was which. My stomache can handle some pretty nasty smells, but that rotten urine was almost too much. If i hadn't left the garage, i would have thrown up. People shouldnt have pets if they cant give them a good quality of life. The dogs had bald spots in their fur, mud caked on them, and a few of them had matted fur. I guess this lady decided to keep the young dogs, I dont know how many of them there are)

Also, today, someone saw a dog get hit by a car. They picked the dog up, but it wasnt dead yet. The dog had a slow and probably painful death. Ya know what people? Keep your dogs contained. And make sure that the method of choice is secure enough so the dog won't get loose. Ack! Sometimes people make me frustrated. Maybe it's because that i tend to think that my way is the right way. Another frustrating thing about people owning pets is that a large majority of them dont put an ID on thier pet and those that have microchips, dont update their information. It makes me mad cause we want to reunite pets with their owner's but it rarely happens and these animals end up getting euthanized. It sucks. (if you haven't guessed it yet, i work at an animal shelter)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This awsome layout

This layout was exactly what i was looking for. Some people write in blogs to post their thoughts and views and they dont care if people know who they are. I, myself, am one of those private people who like to get their thoughts out, but would like to do so anonymously. This picture is a visual representation of my ideal. I think it's pretty awesome.

Some kind of Crazy

I am one of those people that has a million thoughts that race through my head at any given moment. It wouldnt be so bad, but there is no organization. I have a heard time remembering things, especially at work or when I get bombarded with a ton of information at one time. I joke that i have ADD. I've never been diagnosed with it, but i wouldnt doubt that i have it. Anyways, I have to write everything down or i will forget stuff. This usually works, but sometimes i forget to write things down because Im already on to the next thing. this can be frustrating. Sometimes i have to literally force myself to slow down and be deliberate in my actions and my thoughts. it can be hard sometimes. I wonder if anyone else has this issue...I know at work, it seems like im racing around like a lab rat (both my body and my brain) and everyone else is in slow motion. I think that they think that i am some kind of crazy because if a coworking is explaining something to me, i'll have to ask her to repeat it because im thinking about how the sky is blue. Seriously...that's not right.